How we met

Joey and I met working together at Kroger. It's our perfect love story. :) And believe it or not that store means A LOT to us. We shared our first kiss there and everything! Haha. Our mutual friend Kim brought us together. Joey and I worked behind the Customer Service desk together, often with Kim, and when I went away to the beach with my family, Kim took my place for the week. Joey and I had never really "talked" to each other in a flirty way or anything. Well when Kim was working with Joey she started texting me about how Joey said he was missing me. Crazy thing, I was missing him too. And I had a boyfriend at the time!! Long story short, Joey texted me that day and we haven't stopped texting since! :)

The proposal

Joey and I went ring shopping about 2 months before he proposed. I picked a gorgeous 3 stone ring that i absolutely fell in love with. ( I had originally liked solitaires). We left with me wishing he had just went ahead and bought the ring. It was on sale! Haha. My family had planned a trip to the beach the first week of June and had invited Joey along. It fell on our 2 year anniversary anyway so I was super excited!! To celebrate our anniversary Joey and i had planned a dinner on the Thursday before we left to go back home. However, it didnt work out and we ended up going on Wednesday. We went to Coconut Joe's to eat and just came back home. We were disappointed because Thursday had always been OUR day and we had really wanted the date to be then. Soo we decided to have a part two of the date the next day. I dressed up for the last night dinner with the family at a really fancy restaurant. We went, ate (got stuffed!) and had a blast. I considered this our date., however Joey wasnt done. When we got back he asked me to go walk on the beach, since Joey isnt fond of sand I thought this was odd. I complained we should just wait until the next day because I was sooo full and didnt feel much like walking. But Joey insisted. So off we went. I begged Joey to take a flashlight because of all the crabs that walk the beach at night. I'm terrified of them! So we went down the beach and I pointed out every crab as i ran with the flashlight and screamed every time one ran in front of us. Eventually Joey stopped, barely noticing through my screams, I turned to ask what he was doing as he pulled out the box. He saw me look at it and said, so will you? I shrieked and said "are you serious?!!" and of course nodded yes! The most romantic thing I could ask for. I always wanted a proposal on the beach and I couldn't have asked for anything better than what I received. :)

The Rings!

I absolutely love my ring!! It's perfect for me. I have tiny fingers so it suits me really well. We haven't gone to pick out our bands, but hopefully they'll come soon!